Cooking in the Cava: Today we have prepared a Breaded eggplant with a Rosé cava reduction with a spicy touch!
We leave the instructions of the recipe below, although you can also see it in vídeo!
Cooking time: 35 minutes
- Eggplant
- Rice flour
- Salt
- Black Pepper
- Chinese chili paste or similar
- Rosé cava
- Honey

1) Peel and cut the eggplant in sticks of about 1cm and let them soak in water with salt for 30 minutes.
2) Put the cava in a pot to heat up, add 3 tablespoons of honey, mix and let it reduce until it reaches sauce consistency.
3) Add the chili paste and mix, let it reduce for a moment and turn off the fire.
4) Pre-heat a fryer or a pot with oil to high heat.
6) Once the 30 minutes have passed, we drain the eggplant and flour it (in the video you can see a trick of how to do it with a plastic bag).
7) Fry the eggplant at high heat until golden brown, drain the excess oil and plate.
8) It’s ready to serve! Once plated, you can sauce it with the reduction! Bon Appetite 🙂
We hope you liked the recipe, very fast but surprisingly delicious!
Health and Cava!
Cook: Pere!
Guifré – 04/11/2019